Joey’s Notes
Welcome to my notes page—a space where I share my insights and experiences across a variety of topics. Here, you’ll find a collection of devotionals, conference notes, leadership strategies, time management tips, parenting insights, and more. Whether you're seeking inspiration, practical advice, or thoughtful reflections, there's something here to guide and encourage you on your journey. Enjoy exploring and feel free to check back often for new updates!
We often hear that God wants to do something new in our lives but what we much of the time we fail to recognize or remember is that there is a preparation on our part that comes before the new thing arrives.
In Matthew 9: 23-26 Jesus raises a little girl back to life, but not before He cleared the room from the crowd.
I believe today in order to receive the new, we must do the same, and clear the room of our hearts for what God wants to do.
We must clear the room of:
The Past- Your greatest barrier is not what’s in front of you but behind you.
The Noise- Don’t allow the crowd(noise) to influence you into mislabeling something as ’dead’ when it’s only ‘sleeping’.
The Timeline- Stop putting off for tomorrow what He wants to do in your life today. Soundtrack: One day when…
God wants to do something new in your life today but are you willing to prepare for it?
Download the complete sermon notes by clicking one of the links below.
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Leave the familiar to walk in faith.
Lean into the awkward.
Fear is a natural place to start but you can’t stay there.
Jesus addressed the greatest need not just most obvious.
Success and failure are both fatal if swallowed.
Ministry is hard but God is still good.
If you lack depth and determination you’ll quit something that’s difficult at the first explainable opportunity.
Small keys open big doors.
God is able.
You might feel overwhelmed but God doesn’t.
Just because God gave someone a blessing doesn’t mean He has less for you.
When God does it, He gets the glory.
The size of your life is determined by the condition of your heart.
Don’t dig up what God deposited last year.
Where God leads is not always easy.
Maturity means learning to feed yourself.
God has called me to build big people not big churches.
Are you prepared mentally for what to do when you experience failure?
A humble man always relies on someone else.
God is enough.
Favor of God will complicate your life.
The Lord rewards you with more work.
Be laser focused and know why you do what you do.
Are you a root or a pipe? Both move water.
Dangerous prayer: God use me.
Be attentive to the unchurched.
Date the model but marry the mission.
Don’t be shocked when unchurched people don’t act like church people.
In the story of Zaccheus, the people following Jesus were blocking getting to Jesus.
Learn to honor.
Every time you have to wait it is not the devil.
Almost every time someone in the Bible had a dream they had to wait.
While you wait learn how to celebrate others.
Don’t run ahead of God.
Some of what you’re chasing is an illusion.
Do not quit in the waiting season.
Just keep swimming.
Swallow your pride.
What’s your life verse?
God is in the business of making you braver not safer.
There is not such thing as risk free faith.
Leaders solve problems.
Impossible odds set the stage for possible miracles.
God created you to be a warrior not a worrier.
Your faith in God will always be tested by the fear in the facts
Your greatest victories are in the other side of your greatest faith steps.
What you want is often times on the other side of what you want to avoid.
Quit hiding in the waiting.
Growth will cost you something.
God is not safe but good.
When did we start thinking that what God was calling us to was easy and safe.
When you step out for God He shows up for you.
We do the natural, He does the super.
Don’t wait until God says go; go until God says wait.
It’s never too late for you to walk into what God has for you.
Religion offers behavior modification, Jesus offers life transformation.
You don’t have to stay broken.
You teach what you know, you reproduce who you are.
You don’t have to stay in bondage.
You’re only as sick as your secrets.
What’s killing you is your cowardliness.
Don’t make things more complicated.
To learn more about the Church Multiplication Network, click here.
The quality of our life depends on the quality of our habits.
The same habits will give you the same results.
Too often we convince ourselves that massive success requires massive action.
Improving by 1% is often unnoticeable but meaningful in the long run.
Success is the product of healthy habits.
You get what you repeat.
People reflect your behavior back to you.
The most powerful outcomes are delayed.
Forget about goals, focus on systems. Goals are about direction, systems are about progress.
You do not rise to the level of your goals but fall to the level of your systems.
You might start a habit change because of motivation but the only way you’ll stick with it is if you adopt it as your identity.
Progress requires unlearning.
Habit formation begins with trial and error.
Habits don’t restrict freedom, they create it.
Every craving is tied to a desire.
Habit loop: que, craving, response, reward.
You need to be aware of your habits before you can change them.
Have a habit scorecard.
Habit stacking: after one habit you do something immediately afterwards.
Include a time and place with habit.
Motivation is overrated, environment matters more.
Every habit is context dependent.
A small change in what you see can lead to a big change in what you do.
Design your environment for success.
Be the designer of your world not just a consumer of it.
Every habit should have a home.
If you want habits that are stable and predictable, you need an environment that is stable and predictable.
Discipline people structure their life so that they don’t need to depend on self control. They spend less time in tempting situations.
The people with the best self-control are usually the ones who have to use it the least.
You can break a bad habit, but you’re unlikely to forget it.
Reduce the cues that begin the bad habit.
It’s the anticipation of a reward not the fulfillment of it that get us to act.
Habit linking: doing something you need to do with something you want to do.
The closer we are to someone the more likely we are to imitate their habits.
Walk slowly but never backwards.
To build a habit you need to practice it.
It’s not about the days but how many times you do it.
A habit must be established before it can be improved.
It’s better to do less than you hoped than none at all.
What gets rewarded gets repeated.
Never miss twice. Missing once is an accident, missing twice is the start of a new habit.
Too often we fall into the trap that it has to be all or nothing.
The problem is thinking that if you can’t do something perfectly, you shouldn’t do it at all.
Pain is an effective teacher.
Habits need to be enjoyable if they are going to stick.
The greatest threat to success is boredom.
Fall in love with boredom.
Professional stick to the schedule, amateurs let life get in the way.
Habits + Deliberate Practice = Mastery
Reflection and reviews helps you stay accountable for your performance over time.
Never stop making improvements.
Small habits don’t add up they compound.
To order the book, please click here.
You cannot separate leaders from people, and you cannot separate leadership from influence.
Who you are as a person will always determine how far you go and how much you accomplish as a leader.
Admitting that your leadership success depends primarily on you can be uncomfortable at first because it takes vulnerability and courage to look inward and face the fact that you might need to make some changes.
Leading yourself means pursuing personal growth.
True humility is recognizing who you are-nothing more, nothing less-with gratitude and grace.
It’s been said that you teach others how to treat you by how you treat yourself.
Competitive sports are played mainly on a 5 1/2 inch court: the space between your ears.
I have decided to believe that everyone likes me unless they tell me otherwise.
Every leader feels dumb at times, but what you do with that feeling has the potential to make or break your leadership.
Comparison is the root of feelings of inferiority and insecurity.
The fastest way to kill something special is to compare it to something else.
Security in who you are makes you followable.
Celebrating others also reminds you that other people are not really the competition.
Not breaking your stride in leadership is often a question of attitude rather than circumstances.
Integrity means you are the same inside and out, publicly and privately, today and next year.
Secure leaders tend to attract followers; insecure leaders tend to repel them.
The people you listen to should be those who prove themselves to be trustworthy, emotionally mature, and wise.
You will win with people not by bossing them around, but by building them up, listening to them, and embracing them.
To purchase the book, click here.
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Friend signals: increased eye contact, raised eye brows, head tilt, jutting out chin.
Friendship Formula: Proximity + Frequency + Duration + Intensity = Friendship
Your nonverbal (how you behave) and verbal (what you say) communications send signals to those around you.
Strangers are what friends are made of.
You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
Because people often SEE you before they HEAR you, the nonverbal signals you send them can influence their opinion.
Smiling faces are judged to be more attractive, more likeable, and less dominant. A smile portrays confidence, happiness, and enthusiasm.
One way we signal to a speaker that we are engaged with them and that they should continue is with a head nod.
Just because your cell is ringing doesn’t mean you are obligated to answer it.
Observing foot positions/ behavior offers clues as to which group will accept a new member and which will be reluctant to do so.
You can make more friends in two months by becoming genuinely interested in other people that you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.
Empathetic statements keep the focus of the conversation on the person you are talking with rather than on yourself.
Words cannot change reality, but they can’t change how people perceive reality.
If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.
Commonalities connect people.
I recommend you use the “breadcrumb” approach to distributing information about yourself.
Individuals who use humor and social encounters are perceived as more likable.
Who you associate with matters.
In American society, men and women often defined self-worth in different ways. In the most general terms men derive a sense of self-esteem and social status from their ability or potential ability to earn money, impress women, and on high priced objects like nice cars and real estate. Many women gain a sense of self-esteem and social status through displays of physical beauty, youthfulness, and relationships with others.
Extroverts get their energy from being with other people and seek stimulation from their environment.
Introverts expand energy when they engage socially and seek alone time to recharge their batteries.
People like to be complemented.
Glory has a short expiration date; goodwill has a long shelf life.
When it comes to establishing and building friendships through verbal behavior, take your cue from LOVE (listen, observe, vocalize, and empathize.)
Pay attention when people speak so you are fully aware of what they are saying.
Words mean different things to different people.
People need to listen more than they talk. The proof of this is the Lord gave you two ears and one mouth, so you should listen twice as much as you speak.
Elicitation is the ability to obtain sensitive information from people without them realizing they are providing you with this data.
People have a need to be right, but people have a stronger need to correct others.
Touching represents a reliable gauge to measure the intensity of a relationship.
Individuals lean toward people or things they like and distance themselves from those they don’t.
If the person you are talking with is looking at you but their torso and feet are pointing in another direction, he or she is not fully engaged.
70% of all information is transferred between individuals over food and drink.
Anger triggers the fight or flight response, which mentally and physically prepares the body for survival.
The body takes about 20 minutes to return to normal after a full fight or flight response.
Good relationships, short or long term, take effort to bloom.
The Internet should be seen as a tool to learn more about the people you are considering to develop relationships with, whether that person is someone you meet face-to-face or online.
Whenever you’re going to post some thing online, always keep the sentence in mind: would I be embarrassed if what I am about to do with suddenly appear on the front page of my local newspaper tomorrow, in a month, or in 10 years?
The right relationship is worth the wait.
To purchase the book, click here.
Scaling was originally developed as a term used in engineering.
For the purposes of this book, will use a specific definition: scalability is the ability overtime to sustainably grown your organization to whatever size your industry or sector will allow, in which market segments you choose to engage in.
There are two types of growth: exponential and linear. The key difference between the two is their primary focus.
Exponential growth is achieved by maximizing market share in the shortest achievable time span.
Linear growth is that which is achieved in any manner other than through a primary focus on maximizing market share.
Exponential growth can be planned or unplanned. Unplanned exponential growth Can destroy an organization if its leadership is caught unaware.Exponential growth can be
There is a difference between sustainable exponential growth (scaling) and artificially increasing market size (flipping).
Flipping can be a much faster way to grow a business, but it can be risky, as its aftermath is much less predictable.
Flipping is usually achieved by buying customers, either by undercut and competitors and pricing the product or service at a loss, or spending large sums on marketing and advertising, again at a net loss.
There are two main reasons for flipping: either to sell the artificially scale organization to a competitor or to attract investment.
The mindset between growers, scalers and flippers is different.The
There are two myths that the rail scalability: the myth of the magical start up in the myth of the mystical founder.
If your business stays as a start up for too long, it is guaranteed to fail. The only valid strategy for a start up is to stop being one.
Entrepreneurs have two key characteristics: they are driven by the need for freedom and autonomy; and they greatly trust their gut instincts.
To be a Scalable leader, apply the five golden rules to rein in your golden gut.
The need to be focused and disciplined can frequently causes a visionary leader to be claustrophobic, leading to pent-up frustration, and ultimately a volatile explosion.
It’s important to find other people to do the boring but important task, even if you think you know more about it than anyone else.
Getting to scalability isn’t about putting perfect procedures in place, it’s about making good progress over time.
During early organic growth we say yes to everything, then deliver on our promise by flock balling our way to success.
It’s heroic leader ship is in scalable, enduring a stage of growth called white water, the organization begins to become overwhelmed by complexity, and starts to systematically make mistakes and drop the ball.
The new approach to decision-making is called high-quality team-based decision making and involves reversing the top processes that were so successful during early growth.
Begin by understanding that your org chart forms the basis for the machine for decision making.
We need to start by reviewing the actual org chart for anything that is incorrect, ambiguous or not working, and identify any omissions that are needed now or needed for us to achieve scalability.
Next, we need to re-defined the job specs and move away from heads (what the employee actually does) to hats (what is required of them for the organization to move forward and scale).
Finally, we need to review our meetings inventory to ensure each one is relevant, efficient and effective.
Once decisions are made, they must be upheld by the entire decision-making team. No one else in the organization should be able to get a dollar bill between you.
Decision making teams must be ruthlessly constructive. This means ensuring everyone is heard, provided they are communicating in a constructive manner.
Purchase the book here.
With our one more God can do way more. @chrisrailey5
God will meet you at your level of expectation. @jrolltv
I’m not praying for more people but more presence. @jrolltv
When you have success in the wrong things you focus on the wrong things. @jrolltv
Pain is real but it’s the best teacher you could ever have. @jrolltv
How do you break out? Find your people and your praise. @jrolltv
Success is when those closes to you respect you the most. Be famous in your own home. @markbatterson
If you are not willing to place yourself in ‘this is crazy’ moments you won’t experience ‘this is awesome’ moments. @markbatterson
God’s vision for your church is bigger than yours. @markbatterson
How to experience ‘crazy awesome’ moments: Get up early, Follow the ark, Consecrate yourself to God, and Step into the river. @markbatterson
Sleep is a stewardship issue. @markbatterson
Lack of opposition is cause for concern. @markbatterson
Worship reminds the enemy of who he was. @markbatterson
It’s not about how much of the Holy Spirit you have but rather, how much of you does the Holy Spirit have? @markbatterson
Stop counting Sundays and start counting Seasons. @mikesantiago
Stop making comparisons and start making compost. @mikesantiago
To want what someone else has is to insult what God has given you. @mikesantiago
‘Going’ sounds sexy but it’s sacrificial. @destinydeas
A new perspective changes everything. @destinydeas
Don’t abort what God has placed in you. @waleskaorellana
Don’t focus on what you don’t have. @jj_vasquez
Serving God is not a career option. @charlgambill
Re-entering room is how to keep things from becoming familiar. @charlgambill
Don’t be afraid of emptiness, because in God there is true fullness. @charlgambill
It’s not convenience but obedience. @charlgambill
God is simple and we make Him complicated. @charlgambill
Don’t allow your passion to become dry. @charlgambill
There is no retirement in God. @charlgambill
Church Marketing that Works: @churchmarketinguniversity
Marketing is tools to help you start new relationships with people in your community.
When it comes to marketing, growing churches do the following:
Prioritize reaching the next generation.
Consistently capture and share photography.
Prioritize getting contact info.
Utilize kids online pre-registration for visitors.
Have 5 or more positive reviews
Support marketing with budget.
Plan 3 months out.
Creating a Culture of Multiplication through Apprenticeship: @jefferyportmann & Wes Davis
Get Healthy
Develop Apprenticeship
Give Opportunities
Launch Leaders
Level Up
4 Priorities of Spiritual Leader: @jeremydeweerdt
Create and protect unity. Blessing comes on unity.
Introduce change on purpose.
Faithfully deliver the word of God.
Develop and shepherd people.
Your best days are ahead of you. @richwilkersonjr
Direction is always more important than speed. @richwilkersonjr
Everybody wants to arrive but no one wants to take the trip. @richwilkersonjr
You can be struggling and becoming at the same time. @richwilkersonjr
You will always be as sick as your weakness. @richwilkersonjr
The art is vulnerability. It’s like giving someone a gun and hoping they don’t use it on you. @richwilkersonjr
If you don’t expose it, don’t expect anyone to encourage it. @richwilkersonjr
Unanswered prayers are not unmet needs. @richwilkersonjr
Gods grace fills the space. @richwilkersonjr
Comparison will kill your contentment. @richwilkersonjr
Every time we compare we are left feeling less then. @richwilkersonjr
Be you, everyone else is already taken. @richwilkersonjr
He doesn’t have grace for who you pretend to be. @richwilkersonjr
Anything that keeps you humble is a gift from God. @richwilkersonjr
You don’t learn a lot when you win. @richwilkersonjr
Mismanaged success is the leading cause of failure. @richwilkersonjr
Anything that doesn’t turn into praise turns into pride. @richwilkersonjr
If you’re not experiencing rejection, you’re not dreaming big enough. @aaronrburke
Mans rejection moves you in God’s direction. @aaronrburke
When opposition comes you can soar or get sour. @aaronrburke
The pit is a part of your story but not the end of it. @aaronrburke
Too many people have million dollar dreams with hundred dollar work ethic. @aaronrburke
Having integrity is doing what is right when no one is watching. @aaronrburke
Your talent might get you there, but character keeps you there. @aaronrburke
Your temptation is not worth your calling. @aaronrburke
Short term pleasure is not worth long term legacy. @aaronrburke
Don’t cash out too early. @aaronrburke
Love the calling you have not the one you wish you had. @judwilhite
If you reach out to the broken you will always an audience. @judwilhite
Ministry is messy because sin is a mess. @judwilhite
The mess is where the miracle happens. @judwilhite
See restriction as opportunity. @judwilhite
God will at times bless you with less so you can trust Him more. @judwilhite
Every blessing has a burden. @judwilhite
There are people praying for the blessing you have that you only see as a burden. @judwilhite
To learn more about the Church Multiplication Network and Conference, please visit:
Everyone is a creative genius. @ed_young
What’s keeping you from unleashing your uniqueness? @ed_young
Creativity is turning what if into what is. @ed_young
Creativity is problem solving. @ed_young
Systems are important but don’t worship them. @ed_young
Embrace chaos and conflict. @ed_young
Don’t let finances limit your imagination. @ed_young
See culture through the eyes of Bible. OS Hawkins
Having the fear of the Lord is not fearing that God is going to put His hand ON you to hit you but rather that He would remove His hand (of blessing and anointing) OFF your life. OS Hawkins
The secrets of the Lord are with those who fear Him. OS Hawkins
Unexpected things happen. @lisayoungfc
Your spouse’s calling is my calling. @lisayoungfc
It is in our disappointments where God shows up the most. @lisayoungfc
People are watching how you go through things. @lisayoungfc
Your response matters. Your reaction affects others. @lisayoungfc
Let go of control. @lisayoungfc
When I try to control what I can’t control I lose control over the things that I can control. @lisayoungfc
Retrain your thinking from disappointment: Drop back, Talk back, Lean back, Look back, Bounce back. @lisayoungfc
God is going to increase and expand your appointment through your disappointments. @lisayoungfc
Never leave the details behind. @edshaikh
You are not everything to everyone. @edshaikh
Less is more. @edshaikh
What you wear sends a message. @edshaikh
Panel session: Conflict of Interest
Conflict is positive.
Conflict is proof the change is coming.
We don’t use the term “conflict” but “clarify.”
Ask: Is that person seeking truth or seeking to argue?
Often times tiredness triggers conflict.
Pull your emotions out if it.
Conflict is the distance between expectations and reality.
Ask: What problem are we solving?
Words matter.
State the obvious so that others don’t live in oblivious.
Boundaries: Good fences make good neighbors.
Learn your leader’s patterns and rhythm. Become a student of your leader.
You don’t have to fight every fight.
If you need them (for affirmation and approval) you can’t lead them.
They come for a reason and stay for a season.
Don’t put your security in people.
Don’t communicate conflict in writing or through social. Do it in person.
Don’t hit send. When you send it you are forced to defend it.
Responsibility is the best word for leadership.
Be humble and listen.
Who does what by when?
Panel session: Beyond the Blank Page
Develop the discipline of planning.
Plan within a team.
Plan Sundays at least 10 days in advance.
Communication is key.
Worst thing is wasting volunteers time.
Big ideas require big teams.
We are the side show, it’s not about us.
God prepared a table for you for intimacy. @louiegiglio
People don’t have time for tables (sitting and waiting) nowadays. @louiegiglio
We are so concerned with the world proving how spiritual we are that we have missed the moment. @louiegiglio
The enemy wants a seat at your table. @louiegiglio
You know the enemy is at your table if you keep thinking: It’s better at the other table. @louiegiglio
You know the enemy is at your table if there’s a voice telling you: you are not going to make it and that you’re not enough. @louiegiglio
What He paid for this dinner is unreal. @louiegiglio
The table is surrounded by your enemies to show you that you can have peace in their midst. @louiegiglio
Depression is real but not bigger than Jesus. @louiegiglio
Any tree with beauty above ground also has a lot going on underground. @phildooley
The power of the tree with in its longevity. @phildooley
Trees see time as an advantage. @phildooley
Time takes time. @phildooley
Patience and impatience both produce something. @phildooley
Consistency builds strength. @phildooley
Fruit is product of a healthy tree. @phildooley
The goal the health, the result is fruit. @phildooley
A tree isn’t effected by its environment but it’s seed. @phildooley
Always pray, not just in crisis. @charlesnieman
Ain’t know blessing on being dumb. @charlesnieman
At times you will be tempted to throw in the towel. @charlesnieman
No army has ever gone into a fight with a white flag. @charlesnieman
Don’t plan to surrender. @charlesnieman
Life is not going to be easy and nice simply because your called. @charlesnieman
Faith is believing and speaking. Believing drives our speaking. @charlesnieman
Don’t just live a saved life but a called life. @charlesnieman
To have grit means to be resolute. @charlesnieman
If you quit, is your life going to get better? @charlesnieman
Get back in the fight. @charlesnieman
If you quit what are you going to tell your kids and church? @charlesnieman
If you can’t take it, you shouldn’t have ever started. @charlesnieman
Grit is more important that talent. @charlesnieman
Because He is in me I can always get back up. @charlesnieman
If you quit, you won’t experience God’s restoration. @charlesnieman
When my wife left me (passed away) God didn’t. @charlesnieman
Not everyone is building houses that can withstand storms. @priscillashirer
Who will remain? @priscillashirer
You don’t have to go looking for a storm, storms come to you. @priscillashirer
What kind of house are you building? @priscillashirer
You can’t quit a calling. @priscillashirer
Remain in a leaving culture. @priscillashirer
Remain because Jesus is coming. @priscillashirer
When I get to heaven God is going to ask me about my house. @priscillashirer
We are too concerned with each other houses. @priscillashirer
When your little (young)your job is to know your father. @priscillashirer
Too much weight on young legs will hurt you. @priscillashirer
In your teenage years, the weight will bring out what is on the inside. @priscillashirer
We need spiritual parents. @priscillashirer
You commit to honoring Him and He will build your house. @priscillashirer
People will remember how you left. Don Lichi
Get beyond sin management. Don Lichi
Have quiet time. Don Lichi
Ministry is rewarding. Don Lichi
Stay in a blessable position. Don Lichi
Church workers: don’t confuse your work with your walk. Don Lichi
Just because you think something it doesn’t make it true. Don Lichi
Have a pain partner. Someone who will be a support for you during difficult moments. Someone who is willing to ask a second question (tell me more). Someone who won’t be overwhelmed with your honesty. Don Lichi
Stay faithful to the call. Don Lichi
Don’t question in the night what He revealed to you in the day. Don Lichi
To remain means: I’m moving in. Don Lichi
A secret revealed loses its power. Don Lichi
You can’t bring back the glory of God without gladness. @bishopjakes
Your attitude determines your altitude. @bishopjakes
If the structure is right, you can place weight on it. @bishopjakes
When it seems like God is not doing anything, He is doing everything. @bishopjakes
Saul was worried about the position, David was focused on the presence. @bishopjakes
On the road to destiny the “ox” will trip. @bishopjakes
Just because you’re David (called) it doesn’t mean you won’t trip. @bishopjakes
When your emotion start making decisions, you make bad decisions. @bishopjakes
The world can rap, song, and dance too what’s going to make the Church different? @bishopjakes
You didn’t come to get a cart but the glory. @bishopjakes
What you give away is an indication of what you value. @bishopjakes
His destiny was out on hold because of his values. @bishopjakes
People now rather be on stage than at the altar. @bishopjakes
Increase your hunger for God not your budget. @bishopjakes
Don’t be a cheap copy of a rich original. @bishopjakes
Take big steps- there is no time for small acting. @bishopjakes
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Prayer helps you focus. @onteriogreen
Fasting is waiting to hear from God. @onteriogreen
Study God’s word because you’re hungry. @onteriogreen
Integrity is who you are and what you do when know one is watching. @onteriogreen
Stay planted. @onteriogreen
You will reproduce who you are. @onteriogreen
It's easier to recover from a black eye than a bad word. @onteriogreen
You can’t change what they said about you but you can change what you think about you. @onteriogreen
The weaker you are the more God can use you. @onteriogreen
Fear is a destiny thief. @onteriogreen
Fear wants to disguise itself as comfort. @onteriogreen
Rest in what God has called you to. @onteriogreen
Everything rises and falls on leadership. @randybezet
Great leaders are learners. @randybezet
He didn’t call me to grow the church but to simply be faithful. @randybezet
Just because you’re in your calling doesn’t mean your development has ended. @randybezet
Embrace the process. @randybezet
Patience is developed not given. @randybezet
He was more interested in being developed than discovered. @randybezet
There is no progress for the leader who does not embrace the process. @randybezet
Faithfulness leads to opportunities. @randybezet
Every opportunity is for you to be developed. @randybezet
It’s what you don't see, that separates you form everyone else. @randybezet
Always honor authority. @randybezet
You honor the position not just the person. @randybezet
The kind of follower you are, is the kind of follower you will attract. @randybezet
Vision remains a dream until you let it out. @onteriogreen
Some of us are dream heavy and vision light. @onteriogreen
If you can accomplish your vision on your own, it's not a God dream. @onteriogreen
What you speak you give life to. @onteriogreen
Vision gives: Clarity, Brings direction, Creates timing, & Pace. @onteriogreen
Jesus got more done walking than He did running. @onteriogreen
Slow down and you might be able to maintain the pace of the things you keep quitting. @onteriogreen
Pressure can steal your vision. @onteriogreen
If you don’t like diversity, you won’t like heaven. @onteriogreen
Jesus is the prescription for heart rot. @crystaltgreen
Your social media should be sending people back to a website. @battlebrandsco
Focus on the quality not quantity of the posts. @battlebrandsco
People are on social to engage with you. @battlebrandsco
Listen to you audience. @battlebrandsco
Your life and content should match. @battlebrandsco
Don’t drop the human touch. @battlebrandsco
Key with branding is consistency. @battlebrandsco
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To purchase the audio (mp3) from the 2020 sessions, visit:
30 Productivity Tips
Want to accomplish more in less time? Here are 30 tips to get you to your best productivity.
Choose daily/weekly big 3.
Get away from your phone.
Clean your environment.
Write things down.
Use the ‘Golden Rule of Procrastination.’
Schedule email time.
Delegate & outsource tasks.
Eliminate items from your schedule.
Automate tasks and appointments.
Listen to music.
Learn to say ‘no.’
Batch similar events.
Eat foods that increase productivity.
Turn off notifications.
Go to sleep.
Wake up early.
Limit multi-tasking.
Organize your phone/computer.
Convert your driving/travel time.
Celebrate milestones.
Use a project management program.
Set deadlines.
Host better meetings.
Set reminders on your phone.
Use templates.
Don’t stop learning.
Do your most dreaded task first.
Measure twice, cut once.
Take one step at a time.
Download the pdf version, click here.