With our one more God can do way more. @chrisrailey5

God will meet you at your level of expectation. @jrolltv

I’m not praying for more people but more presence. @jrolltv

When you have success in the wrong things you focus on the wrong things. @jrolltv

Pain is real but it’s the best teacher you could ever have. @jrolltv

How do you break out? Find your people and your praise. @jrolltv

Success is when those closes to you respect you the most. Be famous in your own home. @markbatterson

If you are not willing to place yourself in ‘this is crazy’ moments you won’t experience ‘this is awesome’ moments. @markbatterson

God’s vision for your church is bigger than yours. @markbatterson

How to experience ‘crazy awesome’ moments: Get up early, Follow the ark, Consecrate yourself to God, and Step into the river. @markbatterson

Sleep is a stewardship issue. @markbatterson

Lack of opposition is cause for concern. @markbatterson

Worship reminds the enemy of who he was. @markbatterson

It’s not about how much of the Holy Spirit you have but rather, how much of you does the Holy Spirit have? @markbatterson

Stop counting Sundays and start counting Seasons. @mikesantiago

Stop making comparisons and start making compost. @mikesantiago 

To want what someone else has is to insult what God has given you. @mikesantiago 

‘Going’ sounds sexy but it’s sacrificial. @destinydeas

A new perspective changes everything. @destinydeas

Don’t abort what God has placed in you. @waleskaorellana

Don’t focus on what you don’t have. @jj_vasquez

Serving God is not a career option. @charlgambill

Re-entering room is how to keep things from becoming familiar.  @charlgambill

Don’t be afraid of emptiness, because in God there is true fullness. @charlgambill

It’s not convenience but obedience.  @charlgambill

God is simple and we make Him complicated. @charlgambill

Don’t allow your passion to become dry. @charlgambill

There is no retirement in God. @charlgambill

Church Marketing that Works: @churchmarketinguniversity

Marketing is tools to help you start new relationships with people in your community. 

When it comes to marketing, growing churches do the following: 

  1. Prioritize reaching the next generation.

  2. Consistently capture and share photography. 

  3. Prioritize getting contact info. 

  4. Utilize kids online pre-registration for visitors.

  5. Have 5 or more positive reviews  

  6. Support marketing with budget.  

  7. Plan 3 months out.  

Creating a Culture of Multiplication through Apprenticeship: @jefferyportmann & Wes Davis

  1. Get Healthy

  2. Develop Apprenticeship

  3. Give Opportunities

  4. Launch Leaders

  5. Level Up

4 Priorities of Spiritual Leader: @jeremydeweerdt

  1. Create and protect unity. Blessing comes on unity.  

  2. Introduce change on purpose. 

  3. Faithfully deliver the word of God. 

  4. Develop and shepherd people. 

Your best days are ahead of you. @richwilkersonjr

Direction is always more important than speed. @richwilkersonjr

Everybody wants to arrive but no one wants to take the trip. @richwilkersonjr

You can be struggling and becoming at the same time. @richwilkersonjr

You will always be as sick as your weakness. @richwilkersonjr

The art is vulnerability. It’s like giving someone a gun and hoping they don’t use it on you. @richwilkersonjr

If you don’t expose it, don’t expect anyone to encourage it. @richwilkersonjr

Unanswered prayers are not unmet needs. @richwilkersonjr

Gods grace fills the space. @richwilkersonjr

Comparison will kill your contentment. @richwilkersonjr 

Every time we compare we are left feeling less then. @richwilkersonjr

Be you, everyone else is already taken. @richwilkersonjr

He doesn’t have grace for who you pretend to be. @richwilkersonjr

Anything that keeps you humble is a gift from God. @richwilkersonjr

You don’t learn a lot when you win. @richwilkersonjr

Mismanaged success is the leading cause of failure. @richwilkersonjr

Anything that doesn’t turn into praise turns into pride. @richwilkersonjr

If you’re not experiencing rejection, you’re not dreaming big enough.  @aaronrburke

Mans rejection moves you in God’s direction. @aaronrburke

When opposition comes you can soar or get sour. @aaronrburke

The pit is a part of your story but not the end of it. @aaronrburke

Too many people have million dollar dreams with hundred dollar work ethic. @aaronrburke

Having integrity is doing what is right when no one is watching. @aaronrburke

Your talent might get you there, but character keeps you there. @aaronrburke

Your temptation is not worth your calling. @aaronrburke

Short term pleasure is not worth long term legacy. @aaronrburke

Don’t cash out too early. @aaronrburke

Love the calling you have not the one you wish you had. @judwilhite

If you reach out to the broken you will always an audience. @judwilhite

Ministry is messy because sin is a mess. @judwilhite

The mess is where the miracle happens. @judwilhite

See restriction as opportunity. @judwilhite 

God will at times bless you with less so you can trust Him more. @judwilhite

Every blessing has a burden. @judwilhite

There are people praying for the blessing you have that you only see as a burden. @judwilhite

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