We often hear that God wants to do something new in our lives but what we much of the time we fail to recognize or remember is that there is a preparation on our part that comes before the new thing arrives.
In Matthew 9: 23-26 Jesus raises a little girl back to life, but not before He cleared the room from the crowd.
I believe today in order to receive the new, we must do the same, and clear the room of our hearts for what God wants to do.
We must clear the room of:
The Past- Your greatest barrier is not what’s in front of you but behind you.
The Noise- Don’t allow the crowd(noise) to influence you into mislabeling something as ’dead’ when it’s only ‘sleeping’.
The Timeline- Stop putting off for tomorrow what He wants to do in your life today. Soundtrack: One day when…
God wants to do something new in your life today but are you willing to prepare for it?
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