7 Daily Habits to Help You Stress Less & Accomplish More
Summary: When you win today, tomorrow will take care of itself.
Flip the Script- If you want to change your life, start by changing your story.
The difference between success and failure is the stories we tell ourselves. True or false, those stories become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Flipping the script will give you the courage to run toward rather than run away from the giants in your life.
Kiss the Wave- The obstacle is not the enemy; the obstacle is the way.
You may not be responsible for the difficulties you’ve had to endure, but you are response-able. At the end of the day, your explanations are more important than your experiences. It may not be your fault. That doesn’t change the fact that you are able to choose your response in every situation.
There is nothing wrong with asking God to change your circumstances, but His primary objective is changing you.
Eat the Frog- If you want God to do the super, you’ve got to do the natural.
If you ever have to eat a live frog, it's best done first thing in the morning. Because you can go through the rest of your day knowing that the hardest task is behind you.
What to-do items are you most tempted to procrastinate on? What goals have you had forever but not taken the first step toward? Give yourself a deadline and get started.
You can’t just pray like it depends on God. You also have to work like it depends on you.
Fly the Kite- How you do anything is how you’ll do everything.
God is great not just because nothing is too big. God is great because nothing is too small.
If you do little things like they’re big things, God will do big things like they’re little things.
Cut the Rope- Playing it safe is risky.
The greatest risk is taking no risks.
God won’t honor the goals that don’t honor him.
Lesson learned at 10,000 feet in the air: If you aren’t willing to put yourself in “this is crazy” situations, you will never experience “ this is awesome” moments.
Wind the Clock- Time is measured in minutes; life is measured in moments.
The ancient Greeks had two words for time- chronos and kairos. Chronos is quantitative- it counts seconds, minutes, and hours. Kairos makes the most of every moment.
If you don’t control your calendar, your calendar will control you.
Recognizes that every moment is a gift from God.
Are you present? Are you attentive? Are you mindful?
Seed the Clouds- Sow today what you want to see tomorrow.
Take proactive measures today that will produce desired outcomes tomorrow.
Identify the daily rituals that have the highest return on investment and the daily habits that are high leverage points, and then prioritize them.
The only ceiling on your intimacy with God and your impact on the world is daily spiritual disciplines.
The greatest tragedy in life is that prayers go unanswered because they go unasked.
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