Joey’s Notes

Welcome to my notes page—a space where I share my insights and experiences across a variety of topics. Here, you’ll find a collection of devotionals, conference notes, leadership strategies, time management tips, parenting insights, and more. Whether you're seeking inspiration, practical advice, or thoughtful reflections, there's something here to guide and encourage you on your journey. Enjoy exploring and feel free to check back often for new updates!

Joey Salazar Joey Salazar

Passages: Matthew 9:35-38, Matthew 10: 1-7

  • We pray so God can send people but we prepare so we can steward them.

  • You can build for growth or control. 

  • Insecurity controls. Ignorance controls. 

  • Give authority not just tasks; that’s empowerment. 

  • Great leaders take the blame but give away the credit.

  • In meetings the best ideas should win, no matter who they come from.

  • It’s amazing what people will do when people think it’s their idea. 

  • People matter. How well do you know your team?

  • Jesus sent out his disciples with specific goals. 

  • 3 C’s of Instruction & Training:

    • Community- Do they have community for relationships?

    • Correction- Have correction for growth. Correct in the right setting.

    • Clarity- Clarity for tasks.

  • You’ll hit your ceiling if you hold on to everything. 

  • Illustration: Teaching a child to ride a bike

    • Most churches don’t leave training wheels stage.

    • As you release control it will get scary and people will mess up.

    • Maybe the reason why you’re tired is because you’ve been running and holding the bike seat for too long.

    • Release the seat!

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Joey Salazar Joey Salazar

Oh! Teach us to live well! Teach us to live wisely and well!

Psalm 90:12 MSG

From a very young age I became fixed on the subject of Personal Growth but I soon began to notice a pattern in my life that led me to learn that time management isn’t enough. I had the time but I didn't have the energy.

Have you ever said this prayer- if only I had more time.

The truth is more time wouldn’t help.

More of something doesn’t change you, it reveals you. 

Example: money, time, opportunities, etc...

Time is finite. We only get 24 hour a day.

We can’t create more time but we can create more energy.

Our goal is not to work harder. Our goal is to manage energy smarter. @craiggroeschel 

The 4 Types of Energy (Energy Tanks)

1. Physical Energy- Ask yourself what rhythms, supplements, diets, exercise routines, rest, or recreation creates peak production, strength, and energy. Each person is different. You cannot manage what you do not measure, so experiment and see what works best for you. 

2. Emotional Energy- When you make difficult decisions, have difficult interactions, or try to solve difficult problems, you drain your emotional energy. When you are emotionally depleted, it’s wise to know specifically what refills your emotional tank. It may be spending time with others or taking time alone to listen, think, or journal. If you don’t know what refuels you emotionally, you will often find yourself emotionally depleted. 

“You cannot lead at the highest level or love from the deepest part of your heart when you are emotionally empty.” @craiggroeschel 

3. Mental/Creative Energy- One way to refill your mental tank is by taking in and by giving out. Take in new information, perspectives, and ideas by spending time with people who challenge you, learning new concepts in books, podcasts, or articles. Turn down time into learning time.

You can also refill this tank by giving out. Creating helpful content might energize you, but balance the intake with the output. If you have no outlet, you can easily be left frustrated. If you put out too much without refilling your tank, you’re in danger of burning out. 

4. Spiritual Energy- We are also spiritual beings, the best place to find strength, energy, purpose, and passion is not just success in the world, but in living for a higher purpose and from a higher power. 


Do an Energy Audit

Identify Energy vampires: What drains you?

Identify Energy empires: What sustains/replenishes you?


  1. Of the four energy tanks, which one needs refilling?

  2. What are you going to do to fill that tank?

Your energy matters.

Download the pdf, click here.

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Joey Salazar Joey Salazar

  • God is looking for bold creatives. @nikgoodner

  • Never sacrifice people on the altar of excellence. @johndavisharris

  • Vulnerability is crucial to being a healthy human. @themartytaylor

  • People are hungry for authenticity. @themartytaylor

  • Find people whose starting point is further than your ending point. @jasonvernon_

  • Are you just the leader or are you leading? @jasonvernon_

  • You work for your team, they don’t work for you. @jasonvernon_

  • People will remember how you make them feel. @jasonvernon_

  • Outwork the vision. @jasonvernon_

  • Honor yesterday, inspire tomorrow. @jasonvernon_

  • Discretion and discern. Maturity has both. @chariorozco

  • Your church job is not to build your portfolio but His Kingdom. @chariorozco

  • God did not come for a title but a cross. @chariorozco

  • It’s your roots that sustain you in a storm, not your fruits. @chariorozco

  • Be good where you are at. @chariorozco

  • Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s not from God. @chariorozco

To learn more about CRTV CHURCH, visit

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Joey Salazar Joey Salazar

Rich Wilkerson Jr @richwilkersonjr

  • The hope of any community is found in the believers of that community. 

  • In Jesus last prayer He prays for unity on the believers. 

  • The devil doesn’t fear a big church but a United Church. 

  • Comparison steals your contentment. 

  • God will not multiply what you don’t maximize.

  • Half the people you are competing with you aren’t even competing with you.

  • If your heart can’t feel it, make your mouth say it.

  • Authenticity comes from identity.

  • A critical spirit leads to a doubting heart.

  • Charisma gets man’s attentions but character gets God’s attention. 

  • Whatever your gift starts, your character will finish. 

  • The Holy Spirit has two jobs: restrict and release.

DawnChere Wilkerson @dawnchere

  • LIVING the dream is different than DREAMING the dream.

  • God is not honored by your dream but by your faith.

  • A dream is not worth dreaming of it is not centered around Jesus.

  • Live with faith, fortitude, and forgiveness. 

  • To live out your dream you will walk through pain and adversity.

Register for Vous Conference 2020:

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Joey Salazar Joey Salazar

Success for me is when what I see looks like what I saw inside. 

Not knowing is is painful. 

You can do more sometimes when you don’t know. 

Sometimes your enemy is that you know too much. 

Wait to connect to something strong enough that can support what you have. 

Don’t stop being curious. 

If you stay comfortable with unknowing you will keep growing. 

He ran past you because he doesn’t know not because he’s better than you. 

Be a fool again. 

Come to the text with more questions than answers. 

Shatter your truth. 

When God is going to train a leader he makes them unstable. 

Workout illustration: leaning on a ball, you have to get it from your core. 

Now you have to walk by faith. 

You earned this test. 

You graduated to this test. 

You need people with fluidity. 

You cannot be creative when you already know or are not curious. 

Someone is going to kill your Goliath with less. 

Wonderment- Because you don’t approach her without wonder, you won’t discover her. 

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight and no vision. 

Blind with your eyes wide open. 

It’s easier to critic than change. 

Be an artist again. 

Have a crisis management plan. 

Who speaks and who doesn’t. 

When did being right become more important than being married? 

Alternative facts will kill your organization. 

The people who have access to you will either make you or break you. 

Just because you have a title doesn’t mean you have influence. 

You cannot make great decisions with bad information. 

It’s ok to say ‘I don’t know’ and ‘let me find out’. 

There’s more in your spouse than you know. 

Mark 8:22-26

Jesus took him out of the city.

Blind people survive knowing their environment.

You’re trapped in what you know. 

You don’t need a vision when you have a tradition. 

I got to get out of here! 

There are no miracles in the familiar. 

If you ain’t scared you ain’t living.

Your problem is not your sight but your environment. 

Why do we cling to what is killing us. 

Out of the city to a place of total dependence. 

The miracles started when the familiarity ended.

This will not be that!

To learn more about the International Pastors & Leaders Conference please visit:

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Joey Salazar Joey Salazar

God is about unity.

The third option is that we honor what we have in common. 

We have more in common than we think. 

Activist chose a side and have to defend it. 

We have been called to be prophetic. 

Our differences become assets. 

Sociology: Grouping 

In group- you understand 

Out group- you don’t understand 

With my out group there is a lot of space for education. 

When you come into a conversation with the assumption that you’re going to get along you do. 

What assumptions am I making?

  1. Acknowledge you have a blind spot. 

  2. Rename them as your Brother and Sister. 

  3. Give in group love to your out group. 

  4. Acknowledge your brothers/sisters color. 

  5. View ever conversation as a race consultation. 

  6. Give your heart to those not like you. 

The only thing faster than light is darkness running away.  


Take a 60 second video with someone who does not look like you and tell them when you love them. 

To learn more about the International Pastors & Leaders Conference please visit:

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Joey Salazar Joey Salazar

  • God dreams change everything! @chrisrailey5

  • Goals are about what we can do, dreams are about what God can do.  @chrisrailey5

  • He doesn’t call us to be successful but faithful. @chrisrailey5

  • He appointed you a prophet: speak like one, act like one. @pastorchoco

  • Undertaking can wait, obedience cannot. @pastorchoco

  • If God said it I believe it. @pastorchoco

  • God knew your limitations before you knew His expectations. @glynbarrett

  • God won’t lower His expectations because of my limitations. @glynbarrett

  • God’s only limitation is my expectations. @glynbarrett

  • No matter what you achieve you will always be His child. @priscillashirer

  • When I get to Heaven, He is only interested in what I did with His son Jesus. @priscillashirer

  • You don’t have to be great just be faithful. @scottwilson7

  • After faithful comes fruitful. @scottwilson7

To download my complete sermon and breakout session notes, click here.

For information on CMN Conference 2020, click here.

To listen to CMN Conference 2018, click here.

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Joey Salazar Joey Salazar

7 Threats to the Marriage Bed

  1. Redefining marriage and sexuality. 

  2. Prolonged adolescence. 

  3. Delayed marriage.

  4. Sliding vs Deciding.

  5. The ‘Starter’ marriage. 

  6. Dating while divorcing.

  7. Greying divorce.

7 Keys to the Marriage Bed

  1. Exclusivity 

  2. Enjoyment 

  3. Anticipation 

  4. Gentleness 

  5. Endurance

  6. Safety

  7. Frequency

Prioritizing quality couple time says to family and friends, “Our marriage is important.”

Every marriage needs a daily delay (conversation), weekly withdrawal (date night), and annual abandon (getaway).

The quality of my marriage rests in the gap between expectations and reality.

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Speaker: Pastor Ted Cunningham (see Facebook profile)
Free marriage resources, click here.

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Joey Salazar Joey Salazar

  • Branding is your reputation. Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.

  • The size of your following does not indicate the health of your brand.

  • It starts with clearly defining your why and goals.

  • Define your audience: Who are they? What do you offer them? Why would they come to you?

  • The right kind of influence isn’t about the number of follower you have. It’s about what you inspire your follows to do.

  • Be intentional in how you posts.

  • Give your audience a story to follow.

  • Your calling is attached to your Instagram account.

  • You cannot afford to only be speaking on the physical platforms you are given.

  • You don’t have to use as many hashtags as you think you do.

  • Don’t spam people. 

  • Social media is working with people.

  • Be authentic. 

To learn more about Lauren White, please visit:

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Joey Salazar Joey Salazar

  • If you’re WHY doesn’t make you cry, you shouldn’t even try.

  • Comparison: When I compare and compete I will always end in defeat. You are enough. 

  • Competition- We spend too much time looking out of windows and not enough in the mirror. When you have too many windows open, it affects your performance.

  • There are many books on leadership, but not follow-ship.

  • Make deposits into others from what He has deposited in you.

  • When you live to please people, you don’t live to please God.

  • God specializes in using people who have issues.

  • Don’t settle for safe. Lose your excuse.

  • Anything you have to hide, you shouldn’t do.

  • When you serve with no expectation, He will reward you with no reservation. 

  • Our obedience, not our ambition, needs to find God.

  • Ultimate sign of respect: time.

  • The root of not being teachable is pride. You can learn something from everyone. 

  • Your calling is serious. Take the people God sends to you seriously. 

  • The anointing that you serve is the anointing that you draw from. 

  • The way you serve someone else’s vision right now is how others are going to serve you.

  • It’s impossible to talk and learn at the same time. 

  • I’m forever in the classroom.

  • Submission is not bondage but freedom. 

  • If you dream doesn’t require a team you’re not dreaming right.

  • Sight is where I am, vision is where I’m going.

  • You don’t want to say yes to BIG opportunities but GOD opportunities. 

  • Do what you do well.

  • Stop asking for an opportunity and make one.

  • Lazy and losing are synonymous.

  • You have gone as far as you can go alone.

  • Leading does not exempt you from bleeding.

For more information about the Platoon Intensive, please visit:

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