God is about unity.
The third option is that we honor what we have in common.
We have more in common than we think.
Activist chose a side and have to defend it.
We have been called to be prophetic.
Our differences become assets.
Sociology: Grouping
In group- you understand
Out group- you don’t understand
With my out group there is a lot of space for education.
When you come into a conversation with the assumption that you’re going to get along you do.
What assumptions am I making?
Acknowledge you have a blind spot.
Rename them as your Brother and Sister.
Give in group love to your out group.
Acknowledge your brothers/sisters color.
View ever conversation as a race consultation.
Give your heart to those not like you.
The only thing faster than light is darkness running away.
Take a 60 second video with someone who does not look like you and tell them when you love them.
To learn more about the International Pastors & Leaders Conference please visit: http://pastorsandleaders.org/.