Oh! Teach us to live well! Teach us to live wisely and well!
Psalm 90:12 MSG
From a very young age I became fixed on the subject of Personal Growth but I soon began to notice a pattern in my life that led me to learn that time management isn’t enough. I had the time but I didn't have the energy.
Have you ever said this prayer- if only I had more time.
The truth is more time wouldn’t help.
More of something doesn’t change you, it reveals you.
Example: money, time, opportunities, etc...
Time is finite. We only get 24 hour a day.
We can’t create more time but we can create more energy.
Our goal is not to work harder. Our goal is to manage energy smarter. @craiggroeschel
The 4 Types of Energy (Energy Tanks)
1. Physical Energy- Ask yourself what rhythms, supplements, diets, exercise routines, rest, or recreation creates peak production, strength, and energy. Each person is different. You cannot manage what you do not measure, so experiment and see what works best for you.
2. Emotional Energy- When you make difficult decisions, have difficult interactions, or try to solve difficult problems, you drain your emotional energy. When you are emotionally depleted, it’s wise to know specifically what refills your emotional tank. It may be spending time with others or taking time alone to listen, think, or journal. If you don’t know what refuels you emotionally, you will often find yourself emotionally depleted.
“You cannot lead at the highest level or love from the deepest part of your heart when you are emotionally empty.” @craiggroeschel
3. Mental/Creative Energy- One way to refill your mental tank is by taking in and by giving out. Take in new information, perspectives, and ideas by spending time with people who challenge you, learning new concepts in books, podcasts, or articles. Turn down time into learning time.
You can also refill this tank by giving out. Creating helpful content might energize you, but balance the intake with the output. If you have no outlet, you can easily be left frustrated. If you put out too much without refilling your tank, you’re in danger of burning out.
4. Spiritual Energy- We are also spiritual beings, the best place to find strength, energy, purpose, and passion is not just success in the world, but in living for a higher purpose and from a higher power.
Do an Energy Audit
Identify Energy vampires: What drains you?
Identify Energy empires: What sustains/replenishes you?
Of the four energy tanks, which one needs refilling?
What are you going to do to fill that tank?
Your energy matters.
Download the pdf, click here.