The 3 R's of a New Year
As we prepare to say “good bye” to 2015 and “hello” to 2016 there are 3 things I do every year around this time that I would like to encourage you to do as well. And for easy remembering, they each begin with the letter R.
Remember the wonders He has done; remember His miracles (Psalm 105:5).
A great way to start the New Year is remembering who God is and what He has done for you. Maybe this year He saved a loved one of yours, healed you, gave you a promotion, etc… The Word of God encourages and even commands us to live a life of gratitude (Ps. 118:1).
There are dangers in forgetting what the Lord has done in and through our lives. Forgetting can lead to unbelief & rebellion (Ps. 106:7), make us do foolish things (Ps. 106:20), and even ignite God’s anger (Ps. 106:21-23). But remembering who He is and what He has done aligns our hearts with His.
Action Item: Make a list and write out what God has done for you this year. Let it be an exercise in remembering His goodness and grace in your life!
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Psalm 51:10).
Like a fire requires fuel in order to continue burning, our relationship with God requires intentional care. Year round our relationship with God is being attacked by problems, distractions, and even busyness. We must continually renew our commitment with God. Going with the same “fire” analogy, here are some steps in order to renew your relationship with God.
a. Fan the Flame (2 Tim. 1:6)- You do this through prayer, fasting, worship, serving, giving, and going to church.
b. Remove the Wet Wood (Hebrews 12:1)- Wet wood hinders the growth of your fire. We must remove anything or anyone from our lives that doesn’t please God.
c. Hangout with Fire Starters (2 Cor. 6:14)- It matters who you surround yourself with and who speaks into your life. Find men/women of God you can follow in their example.
Action Item: Spend some time in prayer, renewing your commitment and desire for Him.
I press toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14).
With each New Year come new opportunities, challenges, and victories. God is in the business of doing NEW things in our lives and taking us to NEW places if we allow Him to (Isaiah 43:19). A great way to accomplish new things is by setting goals. Goals help you: Move Forward, Hold You Accountable, Transform Insurmountable Mountains into Walkable Hills, and Live Life to the Fullest.
Action Item: Make a list of goals you feel God is calling you to do? Be sure to dram BIG and consider all the areas of your life: spiritually, educationally, financially, family and relationships, physically, etc…)
Happy New Year from our family and ministry to yours!