Did you know that most guests decide whether or not they are going to return to your church in the first 10 minutes? As they say, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. If you’re serious about reaching the lost and creating safe, friendly, welcoming environments where newcomers can encounter the Living God, you should seriously consider investing in a secret shopper service.

What does a secret shopper do? This service to your church will include an eye on everything from your parking lot, lobby, nursery, facilities, signage, restrooms, volunteers, your church’s overall feel, then a big focus on the entire corporate worship experience including music, production, and preaching.

For a single investment, your church can have a trained professional with a heart for all kinds of churches come into your church and critique, encourage and challenge your team.

Feedback will be given in a meeting via a video conference call at a later date (within 1 week). I will also give follow-up tips and action steps for your church to go to the next level and links you to strategic partners that can help you with key improvements.

In addition to my standard services, I am available to speak to your volunteers, staff, and/or senior leadership (on a separate date). As a Certified John Maxwell Team Member I can do a training on best guest services practices, a talk on why first impressions matter, and walk your team through key points on how to create a welcoming environment and pursuing excellence.

If you're ready to take the next step, please don't hesitate to contact me today.