Session 1 (Topic: The Church’s Mission) - Pastor Chris Hodges 

Have the vision to see Lost people saved, Saved people pastored, Pastored people trained, and Trained people mobilized. 

Mission of a church:

  • Know God- Luke 19:10 

  • Find Freedom- James 5:16

  • Discover Purpose- Ephesians 4:11-12

  • Make a Difference- John 15:8

Real life change happens in the context of relationships. 

See yourself as an equipper not just a minister. 

Learn how to give ministry away. 

People needed to feel needed and known. 

Have models and mentors. 

If you don’t get better, you will be critical of those who are. 

Session 2 (Topic: Finances) - Pastor Chris Hodges

Be a good steward of the resources you have. 

Set budget ceilings and floors.

Operate with margin.

Handle money with excellence, honesty, and transparency. 

Ask God for money, not people. 

Teach people how to be financially free. 

Thank the givers often.

Keep vision in front of the congregation. 

Build a team of those who have the gift of giving. 

We don’t have a harvest problem but a people (worker) problem. 

You cannot out give God.

People don’t give to need but vision. 

Whatever embarrasses you, fix it. 

People aren’t stingy but strapped. (in reference to their money) 

Vision is free. Have some. Dream! 

Session 3 (Legacy Team) - Pastor Lee Domingue

Every business leader needs a pastor. 

Let business people know that what they do for a living is a holy calling. 

The best place to be is where God has called you to be. 

Pastors set vision. Business people set pace. 

Remember, God gives seed to the sower, not the keeper. 

Order precedes growth.

Legacy Lanes 

  • Capital projects (building)

  • Next Gen

  • Local outreach 

  • National missions 

  • Global missions 

EROI - Eternal Return of Investment 

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. 

Don’t shrink your vision down to what you think people can handle. 

Have equity in relationships. 

You can’t defend what’s not working. 

Session 3 (Culture) - Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast.

Leadership isn’t just about what happens in your presence; it’s revealed in your absence.

Before it’s a people problem, it’s a leader problem. 

Let’s not make an excuse, let’s redefine our language. 

Leaders find a need and fill it.

Culture Rules:

  1. You will never see what you fail to be. 

    1. Greatest leadership quality is self discipline 

  2. Movements start with a few, not the many. 

    1. The kingdom of God moves forward through relationships.

    2. Alignment is more important than assignment.

    3. Who is more important than what. 

    4. Trust in reliable people. 2 Tim 2:2

    5. Give power to people who will multiply to others. 

    6. Red flag leaders:

      1. “Know it all” leaders - If you can’t be coached you can’t be trusted. 

      2. “Never wrong” leaders. 

      3. “Split the baby” leaders.

  3. Confrontation has an expiration date. 

    1. Without an outlet, you will outburst.

    2. Confronting something is good 

    3. If you’re unwilling to confront it, you’re choosing to live with it. 

    4. You don’t get the culture you preach but what you permit.

    5. Football coach: “The people I’m not correcting are the people I’m not playing.” 

  4. What you celebrate gets repeated. 

    1. Celebration changes culture.

    2. Encouragement costs you nothing to give but is priceless to receive. 

    3. Correct privately, celebrate publicly.

    4. The people on the team need to know you’re doing good. 

  5. It’s not you said, it’s what you’re saying. 

    1. Chief Reminder Officer 

    2. Culture is a living thing. 

    3. We need to spend time saying old things to new people. 

    4. People left to their own will drift to their own preferences.

    5. When fatigue walks in, faith walks out 

Session 4 (Topic: Prayer) - Pastor Chris Hodges

Build a solid prayer ministry.

Improve your own personal prayer life. 

In the mornings, I never go digital until I go spiritual. 

Have personal intercessors

Lead corporate prayer and fasting.

Develop prayer small groups.

Have every service covered in prayer.

5 “P’s'“ of prayer: 

  • Priority

  • Place

  • Plan

  • Power 

  • Persons 

Focus on discipleship and develop a membership engagement tool. (Studio C)

Invest in children and youth ministry. 

Teach the church how to share their faith. 

  • Accept personal responsibility 

  • Develop a personal relationship 

  • Share your personal story

  • Give a personal invitation 

Grow yourself.

  • Do you have a growth plan?

  • The church will get better when we get better 

  • Learn from proven models.

Pursue mentors who can add value to you.

Assess yourself regularly and stay healthy.

Bonus Session: Q & A

You’re not going to lead anything great with a spirit of fear. 

Don’t give critics more time than your friends.

When casting vision: “Imagine with me…”

You fall to the levels of your systems. 

Make hard work look fun. 

Do more discovery than recruiting. 

Limitation drives creativity. 

Be able to say: I didn’t just preach but I shared my life with you.

Leading relationally.

  • Allow others access to your world.

  • Risk of relationship. 

Be W.A.R.M.: welcome, affirm, relate, and memorize. 

