C3 Conference Day 1
General Session 1 - @ed_young
Title/ Subject: Shame
The opposite of shame is confidence.
Shame is the all-consuming condition that we’ve let down ourselves, others, and God.
If you rest in guilt too long it becomes shame.
Forgiveness is the key to overcoming shame.
Grief hits different people in different ways.
What you don’t release, you allow to control you.
If you’re waiting to ‘feel’ like forgiving, you’re going to be waiting for a long time.
General Mini-Session - @ed_young
Title/ Subject: Communication
You don't always have to have a physical illustration while speaking.
But when you do, the visual should be able to stand on its own.
A visual needs to stand on its own.
Don’t preach for long. He speaks for 25-27 minutes.
Use personal stories.
Have one BIG point for your talk.
Work on your conclusion.
As you prepare, work on your presentation (delivery).
More resources: creativepastor.com
General Session 2 - @craiggroeschel
Title/ Subject: Reclaim Your Calling
You’re not here because you're good, you’re here because you’re called.
Your Calling cost.
Easy never changed the world.
Ministry is both a thrill and a burden.
Biggest enemy of calling is comfort.
Pain is part of the process.
Your Calling sustains.
He (Paul) finished not because he was competent but called.
Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is simply show back up called.
Breakout 1 - Panel of Leaders
Title/ Subject: Walking Through Crisis
Let your problem become your platform.
When a crisis hits, what do you do?
Step one: Self care
Self care is not selfish.
Step two: Seek connection (fight temptation to isolate)
Healing happens in connection/community.
Step three: Ask What instead of Why. (What do you want me to learn?)
Step four: Don’t be afraid to get help
Don’t rob God of the opportunity to show up and do the miraculous.
If you're 90% in, you're 100% out.
We are more comfortable with the problem we know, than the solution we don’t.
Anything God allows, He will redeem.
Instead of crying for what you are going through, thank Him for the crisis that missed you.
You can never out sin God’s grace.
When we think God can’t use us again, we are telling Him: I’m a bigger mess than you are a bigger God.
Breakout 2 - Panel of Leaders
Title/ Subject: Healthy Leaders Grow Healthy Churches
Most things in life you can’t control, but here are three things every leader can/should.
Point 1: Control of your schedule.
Schedule your priorities.
If you need people you can’t lead people
Point 2: Control of body and health.
Unforgiveness is stress.
Point 3: Control of spirituality.
Do you read your word because you’re a Christian or work on staff?
Over time motives can get tweaked.
90% of what I worry about doesn’t happen.
Shift your focus onto something you’re not afraid of.
Church is a hospital but triage people.
Are you the best person to help this person? You cannot pastor everyone.
When hiring, look for: Competence, Character, and Chemistry
Mistakes to avoid: Stop learning, Stop reading, Don’t include spouse, and Don’t set boundaries.
Future is determined by the books you read and people you hangout with.
God has given you enough time to do what God has called you to do.
Don’t mistake space to repent as permission to sin.
Focus on one day at a time.
Psalms 139:23-24: Search me, Test me, See me, and Lead me.
Laugh at yourself.
Can’t throw stones if you're busy washing feet.
C3 Night 1 - @ed_young
Title/ Subject: Courage
Courage is on the endangered list.
Negativity is a highly infectious disease.
Who are you running with?
With vision you need courage.
Ministry is brutalful: brutal and beautiful.
We don’t need another Bible study but we need to allow the Bible to study us.
Success is living in the will of God.
Limit exposure to cowardly people.
Courage isn’t optional, it's foundational.
C3 Conference Day 2
General Session 3 - Panel of Leaders
Title/ Subject: Courage and Wokeism
Courage separates.
Dr. Ben Young resources: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL80uoD9jz8RjahNuZLbdxFlgIwigP5yd-
Don’t confuse acceptance for approval.
Speak the truth in love.
Illustration: Guy falling off cliff story. You must have not really loved me to tell me I was about to fall.
Kids spell love T.I.M.E.
Do the basic things excellently everyday.
Courage is contagious.
General Session 4 - @stevekelly
Title/ Subject: Sons Vs Servants
God is a builder.
How God builds: Revelatinally, Relationally, and Generationally.
A sick fish is still better in water than it is out.
Sons build the house, servants simply serve in it.
Sons see themselves as owner, servants see themself as workers.
Sons have the language of: “us”, servants say: ‘them”.
Son sees the house as family/ permanent, servants see it as temporary.
Sons see the house’s reputation as their own, servants see it separate from them.
Sons honor chain of command, servants need definitions and line of authority.
Sons bind new people to the house, servants bind people to them.
Sons share inner and complete conversation, servants share only what you need to know.
Sons are secure to receive correction, servants aren’t.
Sons have puppy feet. Servants come fully grown. (teachable)
On the subject of transitions: There’s a difference between being “Sent” vs “Went.”
Keep your heart free from bitterness.
Breakout 3 - Panel of Leaders
Title/ Subject: Family First
Champion normalcy.
Don’t say you don’t do something because of the church, vs because you’re a Christian.
Balance vs rhythm.
Where fear is the lead, God is not in it.
Where there is no vision, people perish.
We know what we don’t want, but do you know what you do want?
What’s your calling right now?
I’m not mad at a fence but don’t build a wall.
Boundaries are healthy.
Don’t stay hurt too long.
Celebrate life change with kids.
Whatever season you’re in is your best season.
What to look for in a future spouse: How do you solve problems and make decisions?
Schedule fun.
We parent for the next 20 years.
Love God, His house, and His ways.
What are your family values?
Boundaries come from beliefs.
Setting boundaries: ASAP as simple as possible
Difference between Articulate values vs Demonstrated values
You are responsible for your life.
C3 Night 2 - Ed Young Sr.
Title/ Subject: Cords & Stakes
Focuses of a church:
Worship- Ps 122:1
Study- Heb 4:12
Pray- Phil 4:6
Give- Mal 3:10
Fellowship- Heb 10:24-25
Learn more about C3 Conference at https://www.c3conference.com/.