Joey’s Notes
Welcome to my notes page—a space where I share my insights and experiences across a variety of topics. Here, you’ll find a collection of devotionals, conference notes, leadership strategies, time management tips, parenting insights, and more. Whether you're seeking inspiration, practical advice, or thoughtful reflections, there's something here to guide and encourage you on your journey. Enjoy exploring and feel free to check back often for new updates!
We were made in the image of God.(Gen. 1:27 “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”)
Similar to God, we too are triune beings (three-in-one): we live in a body to connect with the world, have a soul to connect with others, and a spirit to connect with God. (1 Thessalonians 5:23 “May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless…”)
Our soul is made up of three things: our mind, our emotions, and our will.
According to research, there are about 27 emotions we can experience. These emotions include admiration, adoration, aesthetic appreciation, amusement, anger, anxiety, awe, awkwardness, boredom, calmness, confusion, craving, disgust, empathic pain, entrancement, excitement, fear, horror, interest, joy, nostalgia, relief, romance, sadness, satisfaction, sexual desire, and surprise.
Feelings are great for providing information, but they serve as a poor foundation. They shift so frequently and are unstable. (Just notice how your mood changes from before to after your first sip of coffee in the morning!)
Ephesians 5:18 Be filled with the Spirit.
Romans 8:14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
Big idea: Whatever you are full of, you will be led by.
One example of someone who felt his emotions deeply but led them rather than being led by them was David.
Ps 42:11 “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”
Notice that he didn’t ignore his emotions; he simply refused to let them lead him.
Next time you feel like you’re being led by your feelings, do this:
Listen to the Lord:
When your soul feels downcast, disturbed, or anxious, pause to listen to God’s Word. Let Scripture quiet the storm of emotions, reminding you of God’s unwavering presence.Lean on His Promises:
Rather than letting shifting feelings dictate your state of mind, anchor your hope in God’s promises. Trust that His faithfulness is greater than any temporary emotion.Lift Your Heart in Praise:
Choose to redirect your focus from discouragement to worship. Even in moments of distress, lift your heart in praise, affirming your trust in God as your Savior and guide.Let the Spirit Lead:
Surrender your emotions to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to transform and direct your feelings so that they align with God’s truth and purpose.
When we are really going through it, it can be hard to remain hopeful and see a way out; but it’s in those moments that it is so important to separate what I FEEL from what I KNOW.
I feel lonely, but I know you are with me.
I feel weak, but I know you are my strength.
I feel anxious, but I know you hold my future.
What stood out to you in today's devotional? I'd love to hear your thoughts—please share in the comments below!
Feeling overwhelmed by stress isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of being human.
Common sense isn't free, you have to pay attention.
This is not counseling, it is structured conversation to reduce harmful stress.
We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.
Wellness is a choice.
Overwhelmed isn't having too much to do, overwhelmed is not knowing where to start.
When seeking understanding: unpack, don't attack.
Not everyone needs counseling, but everyone needs community.
We are all a little broken. But last time I checked, broken crayons still color the same.
If you have one good friend, you can get through anything.
Change your workplace with a culture of compassion because kindness is free.
Self care is not selfish.
I wouldn't go to a therapist that doesn't go to therapy.
A vulnerable leader gains trust.
Support is the energy that flows from Connection
Asking for help is a sign of wisdom.
Tradition of being the 'strong one' will lead to the 'exhausted one’.
Instead of asking 'what's wrong with me' ask what happened to me'.
If emotions are contagious- what are you spreading as a leader?
Rituals and routines automatically build resilience.
Reading an hour a day is only 4% of your day. But that 4% will put you at the top of your field within 10 years. Find the time.
One of the greatest gift you can give yourself is to forgive. Forgive everybody.
Until you know the backstory you don't know the real story- and when you know the real story, you can change the rest of the story.
Radical change happens when the leader says: Me too.
Who keeps your dreams alive?
Great leaders are dealers of hope.
Hope + Action can change the narrative in a company or community.
Story is the energy that flows from hope and courage.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Most quotes came from Dwight Bain.
God will meet you at the level of your expectations.
You measure your impact by your ability to influence.
You don’t always see transition coming.
People who hate change often get left behind.
The anointing you respect is the anointing you receive.
It’s easy to criticize what you don’t have to give an account for.
God will put you in place that is too big for your feet, so will grow into it. (illustration: wearing parent’s shoes)
You’re in a new place and that requires you to learn new methods.
You will always have a glimpse of it before you take it.
The more you catch the vision, the hungrier you get.
There is no victory without pain.
Maturity sets boundaries, but fear builds walls.
There is nothing as powerful as an idea whose time has come.
Big walls don’t come down easily.
The wall you built to protect you, now imprisons you.
Refuse to give up on your dream.
You can’t fight a new war with old weapons.
If I don’t give you my secrets, I haven’t given you me.
The door in front of you is activated. Stop waiting and take that step, then the door will open.
Go from your truth to the truth
Stay hungry and stay foolish.
Empathy is different from sympathy.
Your word is your bond.
Be honest, open, and direct.
Difference between being nice and being kind.
You cannot lead if you don’t read.
Entertainment is becoming edutainment. (education and entertainment)
I never had a hater doing better than me.
Fear keeps most people from learning, not inability.
I have everything I need to be everything I need to be.
What you can’t see, you can’t be.
You can’t serve if you are depleted.
First commandment in scripture was to produce.
If you are not careful you will let people talk to you out of your favor.
Favor can’t be explained.
You have favor for a lifetime.
It’s not your job to resurrect (the body of Christ) just to care for it.
Culture is defined by the worst behavior you allow.
Awareness is critical before you make a decision.
Anger makes us make decisions quickly but inaccurately.
Hope begins as a feeling.
Elevate the way you see God.
Do you believe what the Bible says about God?
Stop feeling guilty for feeling.
Jesus didn’t sin, He felt. (Garden of Gethsemane)
Anxiety is fear of feeling.
Emotions aren’t to be controlled but regulated.
Anger is a sign that something needs to be valued better.
Be daily involved with your feelings.
Anger protects us from being sad.
You need skin in the game.
God will tie up your blessing so it can’t get away or anyone else takes it. (Abraham and Isaac story)
It doesn’t matter how you start but how you finish.
Because you passed the test, you get blessed.
It is time to release the creator life in you.
You won’t lose, if you don’t quit.
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Main Session
Pastor Rick Bezet // @rickbezet
Stay under the covering- one that counts.
If you don’t leave with a blessing, people will leave you without your blessing.
Are you open to the Holy Spirit working in you?
Be real because fake is exhausting.
You can’t be transparent with everyone but be authentic with everyone.
We need relationships that can check us.
Don’t be afraid - it’s go time!
Most of the time you are most anointed where you are most afraid.
God’s got you.
Round Table // Healthy Boundaries in Ministry
Pastor Adam & Squeeze Willis
Let the ugly things be exposed so you can experience freedom.
Although we are different, what keeps us together is the cross.
Be proactive. Take radical responsibility for your freedom.
Boundaries are limits. Healthy boundaries protect us from resentment, hurt, anger, burnout and sin.
Stop trying to be the Holy Spirit to everyone.
Say “I am a limited being.”
If the devil can’t get you to do bad things he will keep you busy.
Trauma freezes time.
Above all else, guard your heart.
Become a student of your heart.
I am not entitled to the anger I feel.
When you say yes to something, you say no to something else.
Please don’t give up. We need you.
Keep your hand to the plow, but your heart at rest.
Have a life giving list.
Expectations have built in resentment.
Round Table // Marriage & Ministry
Kay and Chris
Ministry is to my family first.
If not careful, the church can become your mistress.
Ministry can dominate our life, if you don't know how to set good boundaries.
The best gift you can give your spouse is your personal growing relationship with God. When your relationship with God starts failing, your family sees it first, then your ministry.
Effective communication is key. Not just surface level questions. Don’t throw attack bombs. Don’t let things build up. Address things quickly. Identify your hot topics right now. Can’t include sarcasm, shaming, blaming.
You never drift into intimacy; you have to be intentional. (Physical, spiritual, emotional)
Mine for the story under the story.
We are partners in marriage. We don’t try to rule each other.
When you get stuck, know who to go to.
Ask for the gift of repentance. Help me change first.
My spouse is an amazing spouse, but a lousy savior.
Give each other grace and space.
Laugh often. Be weird.
Be unoffendable. This doesn't mean you don't get hurt, but you know where to place it. And it doesn’t become your identity.
Become an expert at forgiveness.
Main Session // Interview
Tim Ross @upsetthegram
If God doesn’t ask you to plant a church, don’t.
Don’t edit out what God did just to spare someone else’s feelings.
Assignment: Sent to build, built to send.
After you pass the baton, get out of the way.
Submission is the secret sauce of success.
Your vision has to die before it can grow.
I want to be able to do things that only He can get credit for.
David: “Today the Lord will conquer you and the Lord will kill you.” God has a part to play and so do I.
I don’t want to be anywhere God isn’t.
When you get a word for what's next, don’t drop what's now.
Obedience is the marker not metrics. Obedience means everything.
When you can’t do it brave, do it scared.
I am comfortable with discomfort.
Everybody is trying to make it to the top, I’m calling people down.
Those in ministry who have fallen: Common issue was that they didn’t have anyone to talk to.
Be honest about where you are.
Main Session
Charlotte Gambill @charlgambill
Good worship is like anesthetic so He can cut us.
Leadership is not something you choose. It chooses you.
You cannot detach yourself from what God has attached to you.
Your calling is not generic but specific.
The fingerprint of God is on your life for such a time as this.
What you choose you change.
We look for “10”s, God looks for “2”s.
Be secure in your own skin.
I am responsible for giving birth to what chose me.
Others don’t have to understand it because it didn’t choose them but you.
God is not interested in your excess but your sacrifice.
Entrustment and entitlement are entirely different
Get out of the wrong rooms and into the right rooms.
Stop comparing yourself and be who God called you to be.
Go in the strength you have. Judges 6:14
Main Session // Breaking Stones and a Sword
Stephen Chandler @stephenrchandler
1 Sam 17:48-51
God’s church is beautiful.
Because I love God’s church, I love God’s people.
It’s God’s will that your church grow.
Healthy things grow.
It’s prayer and stewardship.
We’re employed for the problems.
You have to know who you are and double down. Eph 4:11-12
God is the one who gives different callings.
God has given certain people certain graces for certain gifts.
Are you going to wear the armor culture is telling you or use the sling and rock I have anointed?
Every strength has a weakness. Know your weaknesses.
Oftentimes the vision moves faster than people’s healing process.
Be humble enough to steal.
Some of us are intimidated by things God wants to make bow down.
The stone didn't kill Goliath, David had to still cut his head off.
Be true to who you are but humble enough to learn from others.
I either lead a balanced ministry or I changed the great commission.
Don’t celebrate faithfulness and ignore fruitfulness.
Last words of great commission I will be with you always.
It doesn't matter the giant in front of you because God is in you.
Round Table // Longevity in Ministry
Longevity has to deal with the heart.
The habits and patterns you put into place, will help you get to the end.
Ministry is not what you do but who you are.
Longevity is not about staying in the same role or church forever, but a faithful follower of Jesus.
Some endings are necessary.
Name where you are.
Don't confuse God’s promises with man’s plans.
What are your current systems and patterns to encounter God?
Pursue freedom.
Am I willing to hear feedback and how do I respond?
The kindest thing you can do for people is tell them the truth.
Become an expert in forgiveness and repair.
When you are triggered, it doesn't mean you didn't forgive simply that your emotions were triggered.
Separate honor (position) from honesty (behavior).
If you’re not under authority you can’t have it. Who is pouring into those you are following?
Round Table // Emotionally Healthy Leadership
Kimberly B.
Ask yourself daily: Where am I experiencing feelings of joy and peace? Where am I experiencing sadness, apathy, and a sense of life draining out of me?
If you were only allowed to share about the things you actually practice, how much would you have to say?
An Emotionally Healthy Leader acknowledges his heart.
God is more concerned with the heart in which we are doing things rather than the things we actually do.
An Emotionally Healthy Leader knows how to handle their heart.
Expose, Submit and Surrender your heart. Ps 139:23
He might tell you to stop or start something
How we handle our inner life will be visible in our public life.
If you pet sin in private, it will show up in public.
Guard your heart. Prov 4:23
An Emotionally Healthy Leader knows how to check their heart.
A healthy heart is cultivated by the spirit and yields the fruit of this spirit. Matt 7:15-20
We can gauge the health of our heart by the fruit of our lives.
If you can't talk to God about it, you shouldn't be telling others about it.
I want you to say things to God that you don't think you should say to Him.
I’m F.I.N.E. Feelings Internalized Not Expressed.
There is no arrival place of good with God.
Onions vs mangoes. We have layers.
Sabbath is not a suggestion
Main Session
Randy Bezet @randybezet
Exodus 23:20-26
There is a tension of where we are and where God has called us to be.
But I will not drive them out quickly, but little by little.
New levels, new devils.
The higher you go, the more training you need.
Some of you are waiting for the keys but you’re not ready yet.
Have you really grown in the things God has called you to?
You are in preparation mode.
Quit trying to be discovered, and focus on being developed.
Are you managing what God has already given you?
The oil is already in the house.
Quit praying for just more.
Cultivate an environment for God's presence.
We have a lot of noise in our lives as leaders.
How are we going to know the strategies if we don’t have the spirit of God.
The battles are won or lost in the spirit.
What's birthed in the flesh must be maintained by the flesh, but what is birthed in the spirit God maintains.
Create a quiet place where you can hear from God.
As long as he sought the Lord God made him prosper. 2 Chron 26:5
Your feelings will lie to you.
Just because you don't feel Him doesn’t mean He is not there.
Learn the discipline of doing the right things.
You will be remembered for how you end, not start.
A person who is on their face before God can never fall from that position.
Pay attention to and listen to God’s Word.
We are educated way more than our ability to obey.
Be careful what settles in your life.
When you’re in pain, you can’t think clearly.
When they attend what God reveals, that’s where they are blessed. Prov 28:18
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C3 Conference Day 1
General Session 1 - @ed_young
Title/ Subject: Shame
The opposite of shame is confidence.
Shame is the all-consuming condition that we’ve let down ourselves, others, and God.
If you rest in guilt too long it becomes shame.
Forgiveness is the key to overcoming shame.
Grief hits different people in different ways.
What you don’t release, you allow to control you.
If you’re waiting to ‘feel’ like forgiving, you’re going to be waiting for a long time.
General Mini-Session - @ed_young
Title/ Subject: Communication
You don't always have to have a physical illustration while speaking.
But when you do, the visual should be able to stand on its own.
A visual needs to stand on its own.
Don’t preach for long. He speaks for 25-27 minutes.
Use personal stories.
Have one BIG point for your talk.
Work on your conclusion.
As you prepare, work on your presentation (delivery).
More resources:
General Session 2 - @craiggroeschel
Title/ Subject: Reclaim Your Calling
You’re not here because you're good, you’re here because you’re called.
Your Calling cost.
Easy never changed the world.
Ministry is both a thrill and a burden.
Biggest enemy of calling is comfort.
Pain is part of the process.
Your Calling sustains.
He (Paul) finished not because he was competent but called.
Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is simply show back up called.
Breakout 1 - Panel of Leaders
Title/ Subject: Walking Through Crisis
Let your problem become your platform.
When a crisis hits, what do you do?
Step one: Self care
Self care is not selfish.
Step two: Seek connection (fight temptation to isolate)
Healing happens in connection/community.
Step three: Ask What instead of Why. (What do you want me to learn?)
Step four: Don’t be afraid to get help
Don’t rob God of the opportunity to show up and do the miraculous.
If you're 90% in, you're 100% out.
We are more comfortable with the problem we know, than the solution we don’t.
Anything God allows, He will redeem.
Instead of crying for what you are going through, thank Him for the crisis that missed you.
You can never out sin God’s grace.
When we think God can’t use us again, we are telling Him: I’m a bigger mess than you are a bigger God.
Breakout 2 - Panel of Leaders
Title/ Subject: Healthy Leaders Grow Healthy Churches
Most things in life you can’t control, but here are three things every leader can/should.
Point 1: Control of your schedule.
Schedule your priorities.
If you need people you can’t lead people
Point 2: Control of body and health.
Unforgiveness is stress.
Point 3: Control of spirituality.
Do you read your word because you’re a Christian or work on staff?
Over time motives can get tweaked.
90% of what I worry about doesn’t happen.
Shift your focus onto something you’re not afraid of.
Church is a hospital but triage people.
Are you the best person to help this person? You cannot pastor everyone.
When hiring, look for: Competence, Character, and Chemistry
Mistakes to avoid: Stop learning, Stop reading, Don’t include spouse, and Don’t set boundaries.
Future is determined by the books you read and people you hangout with.
God has given you enough time to do what God has called you to do.
Don’t mistake space to repent as permission to sin.
Focus on one day at a time.
Psalms 139:23-24: Search me, Test me, See me, and Lead me.
Laugh at yourself.
Can’t throw stones if you're busy washing feet.
C3 Night 1 - @ed_young
Title/ Subject: Courage
Courage is on the endangered list.
Negativity is a highly infectious disease.
Who are you running with?
With vision you need courage.
Ministry is brutalful: brutal and beautiful.
We don’t need another Bible study but we need to allow the Bible to study us.
Success is living in the will of God.
Limit exposure to cowardly people.
Courage isn’t optional, it's foundational.
C3 Conference Day 2
General Session 3 - Panel of Leaders
Title/ Subject: Courage and Wokeism
Courage separates.
Dr. Ben Young resources:
Don’t confuse acceptance for approval.
Speak the truth in love.
Illustration: Guy falling off cliff story. You must have not really loved me to tell me I was about to fall.
Kids spell love T.I.M.E.
Do the basic things excellently everyday.
Courage is contagious.
General Session 4 - @stevekelly
Title/ Subject: Sons Vs Servants
God is a builder.
How God builds: Revelatinally, Relationally, and Generationally.
A sick fish is still better in water than it is out.
Sons build the house, servants simply serve in it.
Sons see themselves as owner, servants see themself as workers.
Sons have the language of: “us”, servants say: ‘them”.
Son sees the house as family/ permanent, servants see it as temporary.
Sons see the house’s reputation as their own, servants see it separate from them.
Sons honor chain of command, servants need definitions and line of authority.
Sons bind new people to the house, servants bind people to them.
Sons share inner and complete conversation, servants share only what you need to know.
Sons are secure to receive correction, servants aren’t.
Sons have puppy feet. Servants come fully grown. (teachable)
On the subject of transitions: There’s a difference between being “Sent” vs “Went.”
Keep your heart free from bitterness.
Breakout 3 - Panel of Leaders
Title/ Subject: Family First
Champion normalcy.
Don’t say you don’t do something because of the church, vs because you’re a Christian.
Balance vs rhythm.
Where fear is the lead, God is not in it.
Where there is no vision, people perish.
We know what we don’t want, but do you know what you do want?
What’s your calling right now?
I’m not mad at a fence but don’t build a wall.
Boundaries are healthy.
Don’t stay hurt too long.
Celebrate life change with kids.
Whatever season you’re in is your best season.
What to look for in a future spouse: How do you solve problems and make decisions?
Schedule fun.
We parent for the next 20 years.
Love God, His house, and His ways.
What are your family values?
Boundaries come from beliefs.
Setting boundaries: ASAP as simple as possible
Difference between Articulate values vs Demonstrated values
You are responsible for your life.
C3 Night 2 - Ed Young Sr.
Title/ Subject: Cords & Stakes
Focuses of a church:
Worship- Ps 122:1
Study- Heb 4:12
Pray- Phil 4:6
Give- Mal 3:10
Fellowship- Heb 10:24-25
Learn more about C3 Conference at
In August 2022, I had the chance to attend the first ever Maxwell Foundation Personal Growth Day here in Orlando, FL. I had the opportunity to listen to speakers like Dr. John Maxwell, Pastor Chris Hodges, and Leadership Coach Mark Cole. Here are a few of the quotes to stood out to me from that event:
When a student is ready a teacher appears.
Growth is not accidental but intentional.
Don’t just tell me, show me. Don’t just communicate, but demonstrate.
To change ourselves effectively, we first have to change our perspective.
Attitude is not everything but… attitude is the difference maker.
Don’t complain about where you are. Instead pay the price for where you want to be!
Others don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Equipping others begins with questions
People don't learn when they understand. They learn when they feel understood.
Communication creates culture.
Systems deliver the vision. Your systems are perfectly designed to get the results you are getting.
Culture trumps everything. You can’t build culture. You have to be culture.
Excellence creates comfort.
Authenticity has no competition.
In honor of Dr. John C. Maxwell’s birthday this month, I would like to share with you 12 quotes from him that have impacted my life:
Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.
Every person has a longing to be significant; to make a contribution; to be a part of something noble and purposeful.
Good leaders must communicate vision clearly, creatively, and continually. However, the vision doesn't come alive until the leader models it.
People never care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.
Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.
The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda.
Seven Steps to Success: 1) Make a commitment to grow daily. 2) Value the process more than events. 3) Don't wait for inspiration. 4) Be willing to sacrifice pleasure for opportunity. 5) Dream big. 6) Plan your priorities. 7) Give up to go up.
Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing.
The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up.
Your candle loses nothing when it lights another.
If you wouldn’t follow yourself, why should anyone else?
To learn more about Dr. John C. Maxwell, visit
Session 1 with @johncmaxwell
Those who are closest to you determine the level of your success.
Questions for when choosing your inner circle:
Do they live out good values?
Do they have a high influence with others?
Do they have high giftedness?
Can they lead well and equip others?
Are they a good fit for the inner circle?
Can they produce outstanding results?
Do they value and serve people?
Legacy perspective includes both a clock and a compass.
Value sowing more than reaping.
In life we leave something and take something. Leave more than you take. Give more than you receive.
My greatest joy is people’s success.
Session 2 with @jefferyhenderson
Don’t just be known for what you're against but also for.
How you view life determines how you do life.
Leaders are repeaters.
Don’t forget the social in social media.
Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.
The more personable the more remarkable.
The customer is eventually treated like the team is treated.
People who feel cared for, do more.
If your church closed down, would they even notice?
The best gift you can give your organization/family/business is a healthy you.
Session 3 with @jamiekernlima
Your greatest struggles can become your greatest source of contribution.
Setbacks are set up.
Feedback is a gift.
He gave me a NO but He gave me a KNOWing.
Doing the right thing is not always the easy thing.
What’s your God size dream?
Be one of the brave ones. Go after your dreams.
Cheer for yourself.
Session 4 with @valorieburton
Do you know what you want?
You have the answers that you need if you just get quite enough.
Success takes resilience.
Understand your vision and values and you will know what to say yes to and no to.
When you ask the right questions you get the right answers.
What does success look like in this current season of your life? Some of you are judging yourself by an old standard.
What is the opportunity in the midst of your challenge?
Who can help you and who can you help?
Fear can hijack your response.
We are oftentimes more kind to others than ourselves.
Session 5 @edmylett
Facts tell, stories sell
You are always making people feel something, what do they feel?
Influence is energy.
Everyone is in the same business. You sell happiness.
Everything in life happens for you not to you.
God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.
Everyone wants the same thing: Loved, cared for, believing, help them
You don’t have to know everything to step out into space.
Decide to win
Power of one more.
You honor people with your life.
You were born to do something great with your life.
God didn’t make you to be average.
Session 5 with @johncmaxwell
Many underestimate today.
A lot of people played into my success.
You don’t treat people how they treat you but better.
Right always wins but it doesn’t on Friday.
Look behind people's dysfunctions. Give people a second chance.
There’s a better and bigger me inside.
Anyone can start today to make a new end.
You don’t have to curse the darkness. You can turn on the light.
Nothing is impossible WITH God
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While in Colombia my wife and I had the opportunity to visit and climb The Rock of Guatape (El Peñón de Guatapé). Now, this is no ordinary rock, the rock towers 200 meters (656 feet) above its base. And we had heard it was going to be an experience going up and down it, but little did I know I was going to learn some lessons along the way.
I’m going to start with the obvious: Focus on your health. Several times while going up this rock, I felt like I was going to lose one of my lungs. Ok, maybe that’s extreme, but our health is important. I enjoy running and I encourage you to find an activity that you enjoy and get moving towards a healthier you.
Find the opportunity within the problem. Surprisingly enough, this huge rock sits on private property because the government, a long time ago, saw this rock as a problem and decided to sell the land around it. The family who bought the property saw the potential it could be and built around the rock in a way that now is one of the top visited places by tourists.
Go at your own pace. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forget “the look” people would give me as they would pass me on our way to the top. To be honest it is so easy to fall into competition, not only while climbing but also in life in general. Sometimes we can think: if only I was stronger, smarter, or had their resources then could I do what they do, but remember this is YOUR journey. You have been wired and gifted the way you are on purpose. Let others inspire and motivate you but don’t you dare compare.
Rest if you must, but don’t quit. This one is kind of connected to the last point but how many of us are guilty of thinking of quitting, when really we just need a break? On our way to the top, there were signs that mark every 100 steps we would take. And I remember after the first 100 steps I was surprised to see that there was a “u-turn” door that would lead you back down. And believe me, I strongly considered going back down, but the other thought in my head was, I came too far to not do this. So I told myself, when we come across the next “u-turn” door I’ll take it down, there obviously has to be more doors. Well, guess what? There were no more “u-turn” doors. I truly believe that if there had been, I would have taken one of them, but that fact that there wasn’t was actually a good thing. It taught me that I can reach the end, if I rest and don’t quit.
You must give up, to go up. Some of the advice we had received in preparation for this excursion was don’t take too much with you, sacrifice the heavy and extra stuff in your backpack and just take the necessities like a bottle of water, comfortable shoes, sun glasses, etc… If you want to reach the top, it’s oftentimes going to require sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice, to give up, to live a life of significance and destiny?
Your circle matters. If only you could have heard Zely and I that day, we sounded so funny alternating in encouraging each other. In moments when I felt like I couldn’t continue, she would say “Hey, you got this!” And in life, we need people who can encourage, challenge, and pull out the best in us. Who you surround yourself with matters and impacts your future.
The climb is tough, but the view is worth it. I won’t tell you how long it took, but I am proud to announce that we made it to the top! The first thing we did up there was sit down; but the second thing we did was take pictures. And as we stared out, I can’t lie, the view made me forget what I had gone through to get there. You may be going through something real tough right now, I want to encourage you and say “You got this and your view after this, is going to be worth it.”
7 Daily Habits to Help You Stress Less & Accomplish More
Summary: When you win today, tomorrow will take care of itself.
Flip the Script- If you want to change your life, start by changing your story.
The difference between success and failure is the stories we tell ourselves. True or false, those stories become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Flipping the script will give you the courage to run toward rather than run away from the giants in your life.
Kiss the Wave- The obstacle is not the enemy; the obstacle is the way.
You may not be responsible for the difficulties you’ve had to endure, but you are response-able. At the end of the day, your explanations are more important than your experiences. It may not be your fault. That doesn’t change the fact that you are able to choose your response in every situation.
There is nothing wrong with asking God to change your circumstances, but His primary objective is changing you.
Eat the Frog- If you want God to do the super, you’ve got to do the natural.
If you ever have to eat a live frog, it's best done first thing in the morning. Because you can go through the rest of your day knowing that the hardest task is behind you.
What to-do items are you most tempted to procrastinate on? What goals have you had forever but not taken the first step toward? Give yourself a deadline and get started.
You can’t just pray like it depends on God. You also have to work like it depends on you.
Fly the Kite- How you do anything is how you’ll do everything.
God is great not just because nothing is too big. God is great because nothing is too small.
If you do little things like they’re big things, God will do big things like they’re little things.
Cut the Rope- Playing it safe is risky.
The greatest risk is taking no risks.
God won’t honor the goals that don’t honor him.
Lesson learned at 10,000 feet in the air: If you aren’t willing to put yourself in “this is crazy” situations, you will never experience “ this is awesome” moments.
Wind the Clock- Time is measured in minutes; life is measured in moments.
The ancient Greeks had two words for time- chronos and kairos. Chronos is quantitative- it counts seconds, minutes, and hours. Kairos makes the most of every moment.
If you don’t control your calendar, your calendar will control you.
Recognizes that every moment is a gift from God.
Are you present? Are you attentive? Are you mindful?
Seed the Clouds- Sow today what you want to see tomorrow.
Take proactive measures today that will produce desired outcomes tomorrow.
Identify the daily rituals that have the highest return on investment and the daily habits that are high leverage points, and then prioritize them.
The only ceiling on your intimacy with God and your impact on the world is daily spiritual disciplines.
The greatest tragedy in life is that prayers go unanswered because they go unasked.
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