Quotes from The 2020 Platoon Intensive

  • Prayer helps you focus. @onteriogreen

  • Fasting is waiting to hear from God. @onteriogreen

  • Study God’s word because you’re hungry. @onteriogreen

  • Integrity is who you are and what you do when know one is watching. @onteriogreen

  • Stay planted. @onteriogreen

  • You will reproduce who you are. @onteriogreen

  • It's easier to recover from a black eye than a bad word. @onteriogreen

  • You can’t change what they said about you but you can change what you think about you. @onteriogreen

  • The weaker you are the more God can use you. @onteriogreen

  • Fear is a destiny thief. @onteriogreen

  • Fear wants to disguise itself as comfort. @onteriogreen

  • Rest in what God has called you to. @onteriogreen

  • Everything rises and falls on leadership. @randybezet

  • Great leaders are learners. @randybezet

  • He didn’t call me to grow the church but to simply be faithful. @randybezet

  • Just because you’re in your calling doesn’t mean your development has ended. @randybezet

  • Embrace the process. @randybezet

  • Patience is developed not given. @randybezet

  • He was more interested in being developed than discovered. @randybezet

  • There is no progress for the leader who does not embrace the process. @randybezet

  • Faithfulness leads to opportunities. @randybezet

  • Every opportunity is for you to be developed. @randybezet

  • It’s what you don't see, that separates you form everyone else. @randybezet

  • Always honor authority. @randybezet

  • You honor the position not just the person. @randybezet

  • The kind of follower you are, is the kind of follower you will attract. @randybezet

  • Vision remains a dream until you let it out. @onteriogreen

  • Some of us are dream heavy and vision light. @onteriogreen

  • If you can accomplish your vision on your own, it's not a God dream. @onteriogreen

  • What you speak you give life to. @onteriogreen

  • Vision gives: Clarity, Brings direction, Creates timing, & Pace. @onteriogreen

  • Jesus got more done walking than He did running. @onteriogreen

  • Slow down and you might be able to maintain the pace of the things you keep quitting. @onteriogreen

  • Pressure can steal your vision. @onteriogreen

  • If you don’t like diversity, you won’t like heaven. @onteriogreen

  • Jesus is the prescription for heart rot. @crystaltgreen

  • Your social media should be sending people back to a website. @battlebrandsco

  • Focus on the quality not quantity of the posts. @battlebrandsco

  • People are on social to engage with you. @battlebrandsco

  • Listen to you audience. @battlebrandsco

  • Your life and content should match. @battlebrandsco

  • Don’t drop the human touch. @battlebrandsco

  • Key with branding is consistency. @battlebrandsco

To learn about The Platoon Coaching Program, visit: https://www.onteriogreen.com/coaching

To purchase the audio (mp3) from the 2020 sessions, visit: https://squareup.com/store/onteriogreen


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