Session: Developing People by Pastor Justin Dailey

Passages: Matthew 9:35-38, Matthew 10: 1-7

  • We pray so God can send people but we prepare so we can steward them.

  • You can build for growth or control. 

  • Insecurity controls. Ignorance controls. 

  • Give authority not just tasks; that’s empowerment. 

  • Great leaders take the blame but give away the credit.

  • In meetings the best ideas should win, no matter who they come from.

  • It’s amazing what people will do when people think it’s their idea. 

  • People matter. How well do you know your team?

  • Jesus sent out his disciples with specific goals. 

  • 3 C’s of Instruction & Training:

    • Community- Do they have community for relationships?

    • Correction- Have correction for growth. Correct in the right setting.

    • Clarity- Clarity for tasks.

  • You’ll hit your ceiling if you hold on to everything. 

  • Illustration: Teaching a child to ride a bike

    • Most churches don’t leave training wheels stage.

    • As you release control it will get scary and people will mess up.

    • Maybe the reason why you’re tired is because you’ve been running and holding the bike seat for too long.

    • Release the seat!

To learn more about Justin Dailey, visit

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