Quotes from the book: You Have What It Takes by: John Eldredge
- Every boy wants to be a hero. Every boy wants to be powerful, he wants to be dangerous, and he wants to know: Do I have what it takes? And every boy looks to his dad to answer it.
- Every little girl wants to know: Am I lovely?
- Answer these questions a thousand times and in a thousand ways over the course of your son's or daughter's life, and you will have a done your job.
- Your son or daughter, no matter how old, will always want and need to hear those words from you.
- What's your worst fear as a man? Isn't it some version of failure?
- A woman's worst fear is abandonment.
- You, dad, are the most powerful man in their world... at least in their world.
- How you handle your children's hearts will shape them for the rest of their lives.
- Mothers teach about unconditional love, and she teaches us about mercy. She is a comforter. She is a picture of the heart of God. But identity, especially gender identity, is the bestowed by the father.
- Until a man knows he's a man, he will forever be trying to prove he is one.
- Research data show that sexual promiscuity among teenage girls is almost always directly related to an absent father.
- Most fathers find it hard to validate their children, because they have a wound in their soul.
- How can you first find the healing of your wounded heart? It begins with surrender.
- Abiding in the love of God is our only hope, the only true home for our hearts.
- As someone has said, forgiveness is setting a prisoner free and then discovering the prisoner was you. You must understand that forgiveness is a choice.
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